Wildkatt Latest News

Apr 23, 2023

Wildkatt Updates - April 2023

Payments now accepted via New PayPal account link PayPal.me/wildkattwares

An online shop is being created called ‘Wildkatt Wares’ ready for launching in Augus … where I will sell my hand crafted jewellery, medicine drums, energised artwork and other bespoke items ‘empowered with love and magick’.. plus a selection of cat themed gifts!

This will also be seen as a mobile stall at fayres and festivals I’m attending, alongside Wildkatt Drum Therapist Workshops and Healing Demonstrations, to help me support myself in the future.

Despite my hidden disabilities and health issues not helped by my aging years! I’m determined to create an independent life for my cats and myself. One which will allow us to reenergise in the wilderness via truck travels and hiking, whilst embracing our freedom amongst Nature, where we thrive. Financial independence may be limited but I am continuing to chase my dream life of a space in the country to call my own, where I can retire to write my books, surrounded by cats and wildlife.

I’m blessed to be aided by Working with Spirit, who continue to reward me for sharing my healing channel and channelled guidance within the Community.

Hope, our truck home on the road is starting her travels whilst her build continues. So we can start practicing being amongst the public again, where we need to be to offer goods and services to survive this material world. As an extremely highly sensitive Empath, auric and vibration reader, this affects me greatly. So please forgive my hiding away and not socialising. I’m not being rude just trying to survive the battering of being overwhelmed by intense energies. My gifts are both a blessing and a curse, but I accept my journey with trust and an open heart, knowing my soul shines and shares much needed unconditional love and healing, to those drawn to cross my path.

I’m stronger, wiser and gaining in confidence, my health will improve once I’m back where I belong and my cats will enjoy the sights, sounds and smells during their adventures on our journey ahead. It’s an exciting but anxious time as I step forward once again.

Whatever the future holds, I’m thankful for the ongoing lessons and companionship of special folk, whos kindness and love have been etched on my souls memory. They will not be forgotten. I hope to repay them with something that brings a smile to them in return one day. They have left me with joy and happiness in my heart that I feed off, as we wander forward into the next chapter of my journey through life .. aka

.. Wildkatt on the Road.

With love and gratitude for your ongoing support

x Wildkatt x

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