Welcome to Within The Mist

Welcome to Within The Mist

Jan 04, 2022

Hello and welcome to the dark and clouded world Within The Mist where we bring stories and urban legends about cryptids, ghosts and other mysteries to you. We are Gary and GoldieAnn, passionate storytellers and paranormal researchers.

We present a weekly podcast where we discuss the legends, evidence and theories about supernatural topics we enjoy. There is also a daily TikTok channel for short versions of various other subjects.

Much like a street juggler you would watch in the park or a subway musician, if you feel like we have entertained you, please feel free to throw a "tip" into this virtual hat. It will let us know you value our hard work and want us to continue.

Feel free to let us know if there is a subject you feel we should cover. We know there are much that is unknown out there and we want to discover everything that is hidden Within The Mist.

Thank you (and more to come),


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