An update and sad times

An update and sad times

Aug 04, 2021

Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you know that Soastan 2 is moving along nicely - don't worry that's not the title but I won't be revealing that just yet. I'm aiming for a mid - end October release so you've still got plenty of time to pick up the first book.

This next bit is hard to write.

If you're considering membership, firstly thank you, but please know that there won't be any dedications available in Soastan 2.

I lost my dog of nearly fifteen years a little over a week ago and have decided that she and only she will be on the dedication page of this book.

Dedicating a book to a dog may seem strange but she was a huge part of my life and her passing has left a huge gulf in everything I do.

For those of you who also follow my crafting endeavours you may have noticed a lot of Egyptian pieces. The ancient Egyptians believed as long as a name was preserved and spoken that a person would live on and so her name will go down in this book. Whilst I will be making her a little memorial stone, having her name in print will ensure she is always around, still supervising me.

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