The Muse-less Writer - or - Tips When Cr ...

The Muse-less Writer - or - Tips When Creativity has Deserted You

Sep 24, 2021

Too much college homework, not enough caffeine.

An explosion of dorm life drama, infrequent spurts of writing time.

A surplus of stress, a tiny modicum of creativity.

What is one to do?

I desperately want to work on my fanfiction, my blogging, my content calendar. However, as I sit before my laptop typing this, I find myself struggling to get into what many artists call the "zone". Thus leading me to write this blog listing some ways to get back into the creative swing of things. Who knows, perhaps I will take some of my own advice and try one of my tried-and-true methods of zoning out and into my work.

1- Work on that guilty pleasure side pet project you've been thinking about. For me, it's probably that idea for a LOTR Legolas fic I started this morning. Just thinking about it makes me excited to finish this post and start tinkering with that story.

2- Look over/edit what you've written already. Sometimes that will help you get back into the flow of your writing and cause you to carry on.

3- Sit and stare at nothing for a few minutes. Hear me out. So seldom do we Humans fully allow our minds to wander freely. This can help you to relax and may enable your brain to naturally rid itself of that pesky creative blockage.

4- To go along with the previous tip, pick an aspect of your story and stare at nothing while you think through it. Envision the scene you're about to write. Imagine the color and detail of your heroine's dress. Consider the taste of the poison in your king's food. These highly personalized writing prompts could be just the thing to jumpstart your creative juices.

5- And finally, when all else fails, take a break. Please. While I am the first person to promote guilty pleasure fanfic writing as a wonderful source of therapy, sleep is also good. As is food. And showers. And that one tv show you've been meaning to start. So please. If you're just not getting anywhere with your writing, go take a break and do something else enjoyable.

I hope these tips helped you, dear reader. They certainly helped me, just by writing them. Now please excuse me. I can already hear Legolas calling my name...

Thanks for dropping by!

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