Welcome to 2022! Welcome to Season Two o ...

Welcome to 2022! Welcome to Season Two of the Zensylvania Podcast

Jan 02, 2022

Happy New Year!

On January 1, I posted the first episode of Season Two of the Zensylvania Podcast. I wanted to get the year off to a great start, so the first episode of the year is the second of an indeterminate number of episodes devoted to examination of Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. The episode is titled "Footnote to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Part Two".

Despite a bit of difficulty with the recording process, I'm fairly pleased with this installment. I'm not entirely certain why, but recording using Anchor's resident tool resulted in about 25 seconds of volume fluctuation at the beginning of every session. I initially had about twenty two minute segments recorded and then discovered the glitch. So, it was a bit of a trial to go back and re-record those segments, add thirty seconds of filler at the beginning of each, edit that filler out and put the pieces back together. So apologies for any rough spots that may exist in the current iteration of the episode.

As for subject material, in this episode, I addressed the first few hundred words of the first. It almost seems like overkill to spend forty minutes on just a single page of the book, but I expect that the slow ride at the beginning will mean we can move a bit more quickly as we come to later parts of the book.

The next episode should be posted on or about February 1 - in the meantime, I'll be updating the www.zensylvania.com with a text version of this episode as well as posting a text version of my Hallowe'en story, "The Hole Where the Ghosts Come In"; plus I really need to update the text version of Footnotes to Hygge and Niksen: An Inquiry into Comfort and Contentment" . Oh, and I am updating the website's references sections for anyone who may wish to conduct further reading into any of the information contained on the site.

I appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks for spending some of your time in Zensylvania.

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