Great vegan people to follow

Great vegan people to follow

Oct 29, 2020

Hey everyone! Maybe you just became vegan or maybe you're interested in veganism but not yet vegan yourself. I thought about creating this post to give a shoutout to some great vegan people and their social media accounts! This way you can get some nice recipes, encourage with other vegans and more.


Veganhippiesol is a very nice person. She owns which offers delivery and pick-up of very nice vegan food in the Atlanta area and also ships food inside of the US. She also made a awesome vegan cooking book called "Vegan Hippie Sol". It can be purchased as a digital copy and as a physical copy. Her cooking book is definitely a recommendation worth. Besides posts about veganism you also find other high quality posts about other things that are also very important, interesting and educational.

You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Also don't forget to check out her website, which I linked above.


Mica Burton is also a great person to follow. They often help people who are interested into veganism to make the switch by giving them tips and more. Besides veganism they post about many other topics that are also very interesting and worth a look.

You can follow them on Twitter and Instagram, too.


As well as having a passion for animal rights, Veganella (or Nella as people like to call her) is also a trained plant-based chef. She worked as a chef in Italy for 6 months and prior to that lived in Spain for four years. She enjoys travel and trying local vegan dishes. Now back in the UK, Nella likes to use plants creatively, and to veganise classic dishes. Nella mostly posts about veganism but also about other interesting topics as well. If you don't know how to make the switch to veganism or if you need tips regarding veganism you can reach out to her.

You can find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Eating vegan with me

She has a YouTube channel, is very active on Twitter and also wrote a vegan recipe e-book with awesome and tasty recipes. On her YouTube channel you can also find vegan recipes and she also has a website where you can find even more recipes. So if you're hungry or if you don't know what to cook follow her and get inspired! I made some of her recipes by myself and the food was really good.

You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and her website.


He is - like me - from Germany, but his social media presence is in English (he has one German account though). He does YouTube videos about veganism and other stuff, recipes, he is an vegan activist and more.

Next to his YouTube channel you can find him on Instagram with a few different accounts for the different topics. He also has a German YouTube channel, where he only makes German videos. His Instagram Accounts are: vegainstrength, vegansavage for merch, vegainsmeme and vegains, which is his German Instagram page. He also has a podcast called "Vegains Podcast", which can be found practically everywhere, where you can listen to podcasts.

Earthling Ed

Earthing Ed is a vegan activist and founder of surge activism. His most important channels are his YouTube channel and his Instagram page. He has so many links that it would take a whole article to write about everything he does or he is involved in, which is why I simply give you the link to his official link tree, where you can find all up to date links.

thisdudeisvegan (me)

Last but not least there is me. Of course if you're reading this article you probably follow me or know me, but if not here's a short explanation about what I do.
I sometimes write articles about veganism where I of course link sources, so everyone can proof that my articles and the research I did are correct. I'm also very active on Twitter, where I post about veganism and many other things, including tech, development, photography and more. I also want to do YouTube videos in the future, when there's more time. Next to those two accounts I also have Instagram where I post awesome pictures next to vegan recipes, facts and similar things, as well as my Buymeacoffee-page where you're currently reading this article on.

In short: You can find me on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and BuyMeACoffee (articles and donations).

Of course there are plenty of awesome people out there that post stuff about veganism, but these are the people I currently interact with the most and that are great if you're new to veganism. These people also interact with plenty other vegans so you can discover and follow even more vegans if you follow the persons above. Also, a very good and reliable source for information, documentations, studies, key facts, arguments and more regarding veganism is

Also, the persons I linked here are persons I know of that are LGBTQ-friendly, anti racism and in general awesome persons.

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